
Product FAQ's

What happens if I take too much CBD?

CBD is a completely natural product with no serious and long-lasting side-effects. Unpleasant side effects from consuming too much CBD include dry mouth, nausea, diarrhoea, upset stomach, tiredness, light-headedness, and overall disorientation. Damage to the liver is possible, in very rare cases. …

Is CBD Oil addictive?

CBD oil is absolutely non-addictive and can also be used to treat several kinds of drug addiction. According to preliminary research, CBD may reduce the risk of developing cocaine and methamphetamine use disorders. After a time of detoxification and abstinence, it might also aid in preventing recurrence. …

Is CBD Oil good for Arthritis?

Many studies and researches have revealed that CBD oil may be beneficial relieving the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. It is not only safe but a very useful treatment option for joint pain. …

What are CBD Edibles? Do they need prescription?

CBD edibles are ready-to-eat food and beverage items infused with CBD. Our CBD gummies too come under the category of CBD edibles and are fuss-free and easy to chew. Depending on its composition of the product, prescription may or may not be required for it. …

Are CBD Oil and Hemp Oil the same?

No. CBD oil is primarily made from the stalks, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant. These have hundreds of cannabinoids, including CBD, THC, CBG, CBN, and more. Hemp seed oil, on the other hand, is made from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant. Although the seeds do not contain CBD, they do contain a high concentration of minerals, fatty acids, and bioactive chemicals that may have a few health advantages. …

Is CBD Oil legal?

Yes. Under the Ayush Ministry, CBD is absolutely legal to purchase and consume in India as long as the company selling is licensed by the AYUSH ministry and the consumer is buying the CBD ingestible products with a valid prescription.   …

What CBD Strength is right for me?

This essentially depends on your weight, age, metabolism and ailment in question. Every body requires a different treatment and hence, consulting a certified Ayurvedic expert is the best way to determine the same.  …

How long does CBD take to work?

Time taken to feel the effects of CBD depends on the mode of consumption, body’s metabolism and the amount of dosage. Largely, the time taken for it to reach the bloodstream decides how soon it starts to show effects. Ingesting CBD leaves you with a longer wait time to show its full effects (20-60minutes), whereas topical application may take around 15 minutes to work on the body.  …

What are the most common uses of CBD?

CBD can help manage : – Anxiety and depression Chronic pain Insomnia Inflammation Period pain Unhealthy gut Arthritis pain It can help increase appetite, reduce tremors or involuntary shakes making it very popular with people going through cancer, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy and other untreatable ailments.   …

How do I know the appropriate dosage?

You can consult our in-house Ayurvedic expert who can guide you on the right amount of dosage to be consumed basis your ailment or problem area. The number of drops prescribed by the doctor will be the set dosage for you. Our each capsule has a standard dosage. The Calmasule capsule has 10mg CBD and 5mg THC, while our Calmasule+ capsule has 15mg CBD and 15mg THC. The dosage is set by the doctor prescribing the medicine, and you may be …

Where can I get a prescription for CBD?

You can consult a certified Ayurvedic doctor who can write you a prescription for any ingestible Awshad product. You can also consult our panel of in-house Ayurvedic doctors who will understand your ailment and guide you the best way to consume CBD oil and finally, write you a prescription. You can see our in-house doctors on our "Doctors Onboard" page or while ordering the product, you can choose to book a consultation before checking out. …
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