
Month Archives: May 2024

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How to get rid of Acne once and for all

Acne can pop up anywhere. Be it on your face, hands, and back including all the places that have hair follicles. Acne—a skin condition where the oil glands produce excess oil and the pores on your skin get clogged. This results in acne.  About 85% of people from the ages of 12 to 25 suffer from acne. Acne not only damages the face but also the self-esteem of many individuals.  Why does Acne occur? and how to stop it  To get rid of …

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can feel like constant companions in our busy lives. Balancing work, household chores, and relationships takes a toll on your mental and physical health. Continuous stress and anxiety lead to:  ● Bursts of anger  ● Poor Gut Health  ● Low-productivity  ● Suicidal thoughts  ● Weak Immune system  Chronic stress increases the risk of heart attack, insomnia and speeds up the aging process.  Anxiety stops you from relaxing, accomplishing tasks, and being present in the moment.  Stop stress and anxiety before they stop you from living …

CBD for Chronic Pain Relief

Chronic pain is persistent discomfort or pain that lasts for a long period. Chronic pain hinders your ability to move, make decisions, and experience life freely. Quality of your work, relationships, and peace of mind suffer—when you are experiencing continuous pain in your body.  Symptoms of Chronic Pain  The symptoms of chronic pain can vary depending on the underlying cause and individual factors. Here are some common symptoms associated with chronic pain:  1. Persistent Pain: Ongoing pain that lasts for weeks, months, or …

CBD for Insomnia: How CBD helps you sleep better

Insomnia is a sleep disorder—In which you can't fall asleep or stay asleep. About 10% of the world’s population experience insomnia. Research shows insomnia can cause mental and physical health issues such as:  ● Diabetes  ● Depression  ● Heart attack  Insomnia weakens your immunity and leads to more health problems. Chronic insomnia is dangerous for your health. Look out for the signs of insomnia.  Symptoms of Insomnia  Insomnia is more than turning & twisting at night. It comes with various signs that stop you from having …
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