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CBD for depressionCBD

How does CBD help with mental health?

Modern ailments require modern solutions. With the rising stresses and constant hustle, one cannot deny that a dire need for easing the mind has become quite essential. The very fact that in the modern-day, one does not have the time to pause is quite worrisome. The percentage at which mental health-related issues are rising all over the world is quite alarming. And somehow, people are showing a great inclination toward therapy and the use of CBD over heavy medication that may …
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How does CBD oil taste? 

Are you wondering how CBD oil tastes? Would it be okay to have it just like that or is it better to mix it in a smoothie or a salad, and have it? Too many questions about the same crossing your mind? Well, first-time users are often sceptical about CBD oil because they fear it will not taste as they thought it would.  There is also a preconceived notion that it tastes grassy, almost like weed. But one can safely say …
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Can I travel with CBD products?

Fear of flying is a real thing, and many people experience anxiety and panic while travelling. People have tried using relaxants to control this situation and have often resorted to the use of CBD oil to help them calm down. Especially in times like today, with the outbreak of covid-19, people are not very confident about travelling and thus, depend on CBD oil to help manage the potential stress around the concept of travelling for work and leisure. The real question …
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How long does CBD stay in your body?

Over the years, those who have consumed CBD have vouched for the fact that it has had a positive impact on their overall wellbeing. One can say that it is an undeniable truth that people have benefitted from CBD in the long run. Be it, long-term users who have been consuming CBD for decades or the relatively new consumers who have just started their journey with it, they all have often questioned just one thing – how long does CBD …
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What are the benefits of CBD oil for pets?

Our best companions are possibly also the best therapists in the world. Our furry friends are there by our side, no matter what. Ever wondered how we could be there for them or how we could ensure their health and wellness is well taken care of and that too, naturally? One has read enough and more about how humans have been benefitting from the use of CBD in their daily lives but, the possibility of this all-natural extract making the life …
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Are CBD products ‘wellness products’?

Scientists have time and again proved that CBD has immense medical benefits. It has been used by cancer patients to battle the severe and painful symptoms of chemotherapy and patients have also used it to decrease the frequency of panic attacks. But there is no surprise that CBD helps fix our daily, lifestyle-related issues as well. Some suffer from anxiety and are constantly in search of a moment of tranquillity in stressful environments, and there are a few who are …
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What is real and what is not. How to identify genuine CBD products?

With the growing popularity of CBD in the market, fake CBD oil products are also making their way into our day-to-day life. For someone well-acquainted with CBD, it’s probably easy to spot a brand or a bottle that is not quite familiar. But for many newbies looking to make a switch, so many options available in the market can often lead to confusion. Don’t get overwhelmed with the variety. Today, we are here to discuss why the rising number of …
CBD for healthCBD

7 reasons why you need CBD in your life.

This question can have a one-word answer and also, a book can be written on it. Simply put, it’s our current lifestyle that causes the need to depend on CBD. But that doesn’t mean that it cannot address grave health issues like cancer as well.  The need for CBD in our daily lives did not just arise out of the blue. With the increase in everyday lifestyle-related problems, the focus on taking care of oneself has also increased. More than fitness, …