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CBD Balm: The Healing Power of Nature for Soothing Pain and Inflammation

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a compound extracted from the hemp plant. Nowadays, CBD products have become very popular due to their potential therapeutic effects. CBD balm is one of these products that have gained attention, as it is an easy-to-use topical application that can be used to soothe pain and inflammation. In this article, we will explore the benefits of CBD balm, its potential side effects, and how it compares to other forms of CBD. Introduction to CBD Balm CBD …

CBD Balm: Joint Pain Relief in a Jar

Reading Time: 2 minutesCBD balm is a powerful and natural alternative for those seeking relief from joint pain and inflammation. With its ability to interact with the body's endocannabinoid system, CBD balm offers targeted relief without the negative side effects of traditional pain medication. Whether you suffer from arthritis, fibromyalgia, or any other type of joint pain, CBD balm may be the solution you've been searching for.
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Awshad – Customer successes

A brand’s success can only be measured by how satisfied the customers have been while using a product. And if the recall value is high, there is nothing like it. Awshad, as a brand never wanted to be in the rat race, it purely exists to help people navigate through the overall well-being and modern-day lifestyle-related issues that one may end up facing.  The inception of Awshad Like every start-up, we too were sitting with crossed fingers, hoping to hear a positive …

Growth of Awshad

Awshad was initially born to provide modern-day solutions for a modern lifestyle but gradually, the brand emerged to become a wholesome solution provider for health-related ailments. From a tiny office in Delhi where a team of two jammed together and charted out their whole plan to slowly expanding into a full-fledged team of like-minded people, it’s been quite a journey so far. And this is only the beginning.  What is Awshad  Awshad (pronounced as Au-shad) is a Sanskrit term that essentially means …
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How Awshad came into existence

In 2021, two people with different perspectives came together to form a tangible brand. A brand that wanted to change the perception of how people lived their daily life and treated their ailments. Awshad was not born out of anywhere. It was a reason to believe, for one, it was all about booming the cannabis market in India and for the other, it was an emotional journey.The people behind AwshadStarting with Shivam Singhee, the brain behind the conception of the …
CBD Oil for menstrual pain

CBD Oil for women’s health | Benefits and uses

Women frequently undergo physical changes throughout their lives that may or may not impact the overall functioning of the mind and body. For obvious reasons, these changes may differ from person to person based on their genetics, daily routine and lifestyle. Let us understand how to tackle these changes most naturally, and that too, without any side effects.  What is CBD Oil? Cannabidiol, or CBD, has gained significant popularity in recent years as a natural remedy for various health issues. Among the …
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CBD oil for chronic pain relief in India | Benefits and Uses

Millions of people around the world are suffering from chronic pain. A common health disorder that can often impact one’s quality of life. What is worrisome is the fact that this pain is not only limited to physical discomfort but can cause psychological changes in the person experiencing it.  While there are several ways to manage pain, some people are opening up and switching to CBD oil as a more natural choice. In this blog, we will talk about the potential …


One simply cannot deny that the need for CBD Oil every day is rising because of the lifestyle issues one has to face every day. The majority of the time, people are always searching for all-natural solutions to their regular health and wellness issues, and their Google search has led them to CBD Oil. Inquisitive minds have studied extensively about it and are gradually coming around to appreciating this all-natural cure in all its glory. Before we get started, let …

What is CBD Oil?

The world of CBD is revolutionising by the day, thanks to the many theories that prove innumerable health benefits offered by it. With this article, we aim to dig deep and understand what goes behind making it and how it impacts our life. Have you ever wanted to try it but did not know how to go about it? Do the health benefits intrigue you? While the use of CBD in recent times has become widespread, there still lies a general …

CBD oil for athletes and recreation

Contrary to what we would imagine, there is a strong connection between athletes and CBD Oil. CBD Oil has proven to boost energy levels while engaging in any form of physical exercise. It is also believed that in the new-age world, CBD has repeatedly demonstrated that it offers a variety of health benefits. Research claims that CBD oil can significantly improve the quality of life for professional athletes and those who work out daily. Let's first define CBD before delving …
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CBD Oil in your daily diet

While we strive to provide our bodies with an adequate amount of nutrition throughout the day, we frequently leave out some of the most crucial vitamins and minerals. Not every ingredient can give us all the nutrition our bodies need. So, what then can be done to make up for it? We’ve gradually witnessed how the health and wellness industries are slowly adapting to the CBD culture. However, the consumers aren’t aware of how CBD can benefit their daily routine. Adding …

Ways to improve lifestyle with CBD Oil

As awareness and the cannabis industry continues to grow, the usage of CBD-based products has become increasingly popular. All thanks to its various health benefits, consumers are witnessing a remarkable change in their daily lives too.  How does CBD function in the body? First things first, let us understand what CBD really is. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive compound found in the hemp plant that has been shown to have several health benefits, including reducing anxiety, improving sleep, and reduction in …
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